I have been Djing smaller shows, clubs, bars and private partys for about 15 years. iTunes was where I started Digitally. Since I started Djing during the vinyl era and at the beginning of digital one. I was reluctant to proceed with this major transformation. I was used to a select few treasured record stores. Mostly because of their knowledge and access to a ever changing styles of music. Its taken a while since my start at ITunes till now to find the places I buy my music and I can say this, "ITunes is months behind Beatport, maybe unless your playing top 40, Hip-Hop or EDM. Though most site also, still have their own "exclusives"! Beatport in my eyes is the best site for what everyones currently listening to or Djs are playing or have been playing. If you want your own sound your going to have to really dig deep! With today ease of access to millions of songs! Thats where production and remixing comes in and Beatport as well as other sites directed specifically for this. Glad Beatport is still around after this weeks events!!
Dj Christopher Sebring about Beatport