Its awesome !! I can get all my Techno updates
Its awesome !! I can get all my Techno updates
Beast app and Beaty app too
its different than the website top ten and not everything through the website you can see it here i wish they can put all the website contents i mean the tracks in the app
Best portal of electronic music
Beatport is the best their is. Or ever will be. Its the original. I wrote a review about in 05 now look at it!
Why cant I access my cart or add items to it. Content and genres arent even in sync with the website. I deleted the old version thinking this was a replacement and now I will be deleting this one as well. The only reason I use beat port is to buy music. Whats the point if I cant use the app to help me do that on the road. Sticking with Juno from here on out. They have a better selection anyway. So long beatport you will not be missed.
This is an awesome app. Totally free, good selection of varying categories of electronic music, and I like that I can create playlists. Keep it up, this app rocks!
If you think youre getting this app to buy music, youll be disappointed. This app is for listening...and its amazing for that. No ads, playlist functions... Good selection of beats. Glad I found this.
If you love EDM as much as I do, this is a must have app!
I love this app, its the best one compared to Spotify and Pandora
I like it, but the app feels weak compared to the site and desktop app. Also, prefs and actions need to sync across all these.
I was looking for a music app for house music and found beat port. I love how easy it is to navigate, add songs to playlist and find out what DJs are playing near by. Really great job on this product!
Love it!!! Love it!!! Love it!!!
Love it
Love how its free and just electronic music! Always up to date, cant ask for more than that!
The music you are able to discover via this app is awesome. When listening to other music streaming services I find myself playing the same song over and over where beatport allows me to listen to the latest and greatest!
Must have if your a true EDM fan!
I have been Djing smaller shows, clubs, bars and private partys for about 15 years. iTunes was where I started Digitally. Since I started Djing during the vinyl era and at the beginning of digital one. I was reluctant to proceed with this major transformation. I was used to a select few treasured record stores. Mostly because of their knowledge and access to a ever changing styles of music. Its taken a while since my start at ITunes till now to find the places I buy my music and I can say this, "ITunes is months behind Beatport, maybe unless your playing top 40, Hip-Hop or EDM. Though most site also, still have their own "exclusives"! Beatport in my eyes is the best site for what everyones currently listening to or Djs are playing or have been playing. If you want your own sound your going to have to really dig deep! With today ease of access to millions of songs! Thats where production and remixing comes in and Beatport as well as other sites directed specifically for this. Glad Beatport is still around after this weeks events!!
ive tried a bit. not sure how to correct this. is this by design?
I stream music and totally love the sound here! Hooked on the repeat ^_^